How to register a Domain?

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What is a Domain Name

A Domain is an identification unique string that reserved to your website name. You can choose your domain with a flexible domain extention like .com, .lk., .net, .org etc.

How to Register

Type in the domain name that you need in the given field and see if it is available for registration. If the Domain name is available for registrations follow the steps given below and make a payment.

Choose Domain Names

A short domain name is easier to remember, it has less risk of being mistyped. and it'll fit easily on your business cars and correspondence. Conversely, if a short name doesn't represent your business. It's more difficult for people to remember. The short names you like may already be taken anyway.

Find Out the Price of Your Domain

That's the life of a domain investor, and we can help you make your way doing the same thing.

Domain Register Renew Transfer
.com Rs.4500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98

.org Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98

.LK Rs.4500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98

.biz Rs.2000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98

.info Rs.2000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98

.name Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98


Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Register Rs.4500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Renew Rs.4500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Transfer Rs.4500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Register Rs.5500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Renew Rs.5500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Transfer Rs.5500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Register Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Renew Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Transfer Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Register Rs.4500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Renew Rs.4500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Transfer Rs.4500

Up to 31% OFF $13.98
Register Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Renew Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Transfer Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Register Rs.2000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Renew Rs.2000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Transfer Rs.2000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Register Rs.2000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Renew Rs.2000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Transfer Rs.2000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Register Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Renew Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Transfer Rs.6000

Up to 31% OFF $13.98

Domain name expiration process

Step 1: Domain name registration expires

This will happen when the domain name has not been renewed by its owner before the domain expiration date. Once domain expires, the domain name status is changed to RENEWAL GRACE PERIOD. With this status, the owner can still renew the domain. This RENEWAL GRACE PERIod is 30 Days [From its expiration date]. You can not view your website in RENEWAL GRACE PERIOD.

Step 2: Renewal Grace Period ends

Once the domain RENEWAL GRACE PERIOD ends, the expired domain name is now under the status of REGISTRAR HOLD. It is in this status upto 45 calendar days, during which time it only can be restored by the original owner by paying a redemption fee (Restore fee is very expensive)

Step 3: Register Auction closeout sale

If the domain name is not renewed or restored by the owner, Our upstream domain registrar may sell it in their "Domain Auction" or "closeout sale". This period is 31-75 days from expiration date.

Step 4: Registrar releases the domain name

Once it has gone pass 75-80 days from expiration date if the domain is not renewed, sold, restored. It will be released from the registry

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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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